On the Word Document application, go to the Mailings tab and select the Start Mail Merge option followed by the Email Messages option.If you need this mail merge for later use, save it.Finally, click the File option followed by the Print option.Navigate to the Mailings tab and select the Finish & Merge option followed by the Print Documents option.Once done, print the letter as per the simple instructions mentioned below.To preview the letter, click the Preview Results option.Choose the fields that you want to add and then click the OK option.To add any personalized content to the letter, click the Mailings tab and choose the Insert Merge Field option.Once done with editing, click the OK option to close the Edit List Entries dialog box.If you want to edit the recipient details, go to the Mailings tab and select the Edit Recipient List option.Enter the body of the letter that you need to send.Click the Mailings tab, select the Start Mail Merge option, and choose the Letters option.Go to the main interface of the Word Document application on the Mac computer.