After Withered, this anger and paranoia grows to such a level that whatever corrupted Bob can use it to drive them to try and kill Boyfriend. While he's okay with it for Sunshine, losing makes Bob feel angry and paranoid, and the illusion begins to fade as a result. However, Boyfriend happens to catch him in one of these trances and challenges them to a rap battle. These pills cause him to imagine a peaceful, sunny world with a happy atmosphere hence the scenery in Sunshine. This incident, combined with the corruption's influence, has given Bob PTSD and sent them into a deep depression, which drove him to start taking pills to try and treat it. Something unknown has corrupted Bob and caused him to nearly kill his girlfriend Opheebop, causing her to become hospitalized. Bob, has been written for the remaster in this Reddit Post. In the Overhaul, the happy mode Bob isn’t there.Ī brand new story, separate from the one present in Vs. When activated, Hell Bob retains their white body, has black eyes in the same realistic shape (one of which cries blood), and holds a bottle of pills labeled "BOB". The "happy mode" version of Run has also been redrawn. In the overhaul(revamp), he has a smile for one frame, and has glitchy effects.

He also have singing animations, albeit very simple ones.

In Run, Hell Bob's eyes are drawn realistically rather than being live-action, and there is now red fire on his back. In the Overhaul (revamp) he has a large dimple, and is missing the large, anime anger eyes. In Withered, Bob has a significantly angrier face with light redness, a crooked grimace with widened, crazed eyes, and sweat drops on top of their head.

However, this is changed in the overhaul (revamp). Their poses also feature a larger range of expression with their mouth now opening to sing. Their eyes appear to be closed, and their smile is a little smaller. In Sunshine, Bob has been drawn with thicker lines and a generally higher quality.